Promising Results for Chemo-Free Immunotherapy in Early-Stage Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Phase 2 trial shows potential for immunotherapy without chemo in early TNBC, especially with high TILs.
Combining osimertinib with chemotherapy significantly improves progression-free survival in NSCLC patients.
Study finds vitamin D insufficiency may raise risk of chemotherapy-induced neuropathy in breast cancer.
Study shows neoadjuvant EMDA of mitomycin C before TURBT may reduce bladder cancer recurrence vs BCG alone.
New trial compares short-course radiotherapy plus chemotherapy to standard chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer
Phase I/II trial shows adding oleclumab to standard therapy doesn't improve outcomes in advanced TNBC.
Study shows FOLFOX4 + ATRA improves survival in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with metastasis
Cusatuzumab plus azacitidine shows efficacy in treating newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia
Study compares 10-day decitabine to standard chemo for older AML patients eligible for transplant
Novel drug combination significantly improves progression-free survival in HER2+ metastatic breast cancer
Phase III trial of ofranergene obadenovec plus paclitaxel fails to improve outcomes in ovarian cancer
Study compares fosfomycin to ciprofloxacin for preventing infections in leukemia and transplant patients
Study shows pembrolizumab with chemotherapy improves outcomes in HER2-negative gastric cancer